Teething is a significant milestone in your baby’s development. Understanding how to care for your baby’s teeth during this time is essential for establishing healthy oral habits early in life. Dr. Jason Champagne and Dr. Cariann Champagne provide guidance and care for families to ensure your baby’s smile gets the best possible start. Our pediatric dentists and team are here to help families navigate this important phase with confidence.
Teething Care Tips for Babies
Teething can be an uncomfortable process for babies, but there are steps you can take to alleviate their discomfort and protect their developing teeth. It is important to soothe your baby while maintaining good oral hygiene practices, even before their first teeth emerge.
Key steps include:
- Gently rubbing your baby’s gums with a clean, damp cloth.
- Offering a cool, clean teething ring to ease gum soreness.
- Avoiding teething products that contain harmful ingredients, such as certain gels or tablets.
- Cleaning your baby’s teeth as soon as the first one appears using a soft infant toothbrush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste.
Consistent care and attention can help reduce discomfort while promoting healthy teeth and gums.
Building Healthy Habits for the Future
The teething phase is an excellent time to introduce routines that foster lifelong oral health. By cleaning your baby’s teeth daily and avoiding prolonged exposure to sugary drinks, you can help protect against tooth decay and build strong foundations for their future smile. Regular visits to our pediatric dentists can ensure that your baby’s oral health is monitored and supported from the very beginning.
At Lakeside Children’s Dentistry, we are dedicated to helping families care for their babies’ oral health with compassionate and professional guidance. Contact our pediatric dentists in Reno, Nevada, today at 775-462-3111 to learn more about teething care and to schedule your baby’s first visit at our pediatric dental practice!